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Clipart image of black bed bug that can be controlled by All Star Pest Management's bed bug control services

Bed bugs are small insects that can spread quickly through a home, infesting bed linen, carpets, mattresses, rugs, and couches. If you are suffering from an infestation of bed bugs in Columbia, you should hire a professional pest extermination service. Bed bugs are small and can, therefore, be difficult to detect. Since they reproduce quickly and can travel fast, a small initial colony can quickly grow, if left unchecked. Bed bugs feed on human blood. They can cause painful bites. If you have noticed that you are suffering from skin irritations or notice small blood stains on your sheets or pillow in the morning, you may have bed bugs.

Here at All Star Pest Management, our experienced staff is experts at combating bed bugs. We use the most up-to-date, safe, and sanitary treatments to help you eliminate bed bugs from your home for good.