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All Star Pest Management Can Get Rid of Hornets

Hornets and their nests are often found in and around Baltimore, Columbia, and Wheaton, MD. You can count on the pest removal team at All Star Pest Management to effectively remove hornets and hornets’ nests. It’s important that you can tell whether you have a problem with hornets or other similar pests like wasps or yellow jackets. We’ve provided all the information you need, including how to prevent hornets’ nests and what to do when you find them. We’ll also let you know what you should do if you get stung by a hornet, and why it’s essential to call in our professional hornet removal team. Contact us today to schedule service.

A close up of European Hornet, a common pest in the greater DC and Baltimore, Maryland, area

Types of Hornets in Maryland

The bad news is that there are hornets in Maryland, but the good news is that there is only one type. European hornets are somewhat common in the Baltimore area. They’re quite large and yellow and brown. European hornets build very fragile tan nests. These nests are most likely to be found in concealed areas such as hollow trees, buildings, and eaves. They’re also called giant hornets and are about 25mm long, with queens being as large as 35mm in length. Most of their nests are built at least six feet from the ground. Worker hornets often forage at night and sometimes cause damage to trees and shrubs. European hornets mate during the fall. Worker hornets die by winter, but the fertilized females hide until the spring. Nests can eventually reach about 1,000 worker hornets.

How to Tell a Hornet from a Wasp or Yellowjacket

Since there’s only one type of hornet in the area, you need to be able to tell how to distinguish European hornets from wasps and yellow jackets. The main differences between hornets and wasps are their sizes and colors. Hornets are larger than wasps, with wasps being about one-third of an inch to one inch long. Hornets have black and white rings while wasps have black and yellow rings. Yellowjackets are extremely distinctive compared to their counterparts. They have yellow and black markings that cover their entire bodies. Yellowjackets are just slightly larger than the common housefly. Hornets can be up to an inch long. If you aren’t sure, it never hurts to have our team visit your home or property to identify and remove insects safely.

What to do if You Get Stung by a Hornet

Hornet stings are painful. Hornets don’t lose their stingers after they attack you, so it’s important to get out of the area calmly and quickly. Hornets inject venom when they sting, and you’ll likely have a sharp, burning sensation followed by intense itching. Wash the sting with soap and water and use ice to help with swelling and inflammation. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease soreness and use a topical steroid such as hydrocortisone to help with itching. If the area becomes infected, you should seek medical treatment.

What You Can Do About Hornets’ Nests

If you spot large worker hornets buzzing around your home or property, you likely have an infestation. Pay careful attention in the evening when they’re most active. Do not attempt to plug a hole in a wall if you find a hornets’ nest inside it. Doing this may result in the hornets chewing through another area of the wall and creating an entry into your home. Only some people are allergic to hornets, but many people aren’t aware of whether they are or not. It’s better to be safe than sorry. You should not attempt to remove a hornets’ nest if the nest is larger than a tennis ball. Even then, you should not do so if you are allergic or uncomfortable. You should also not attempt to remove a nest if it’s in a hard-to-reach place. While we strongly recommend allowing our professional team to remove hornets for you, here are a few tips:

  • Removing a Single Hornet – Sometimes, a single hornet can find its way into your home. Squashing the pest will release a chemical that attracts other hornets, so you should avoid this action. Use the extension hose of a household vacuum cleaner to suck the insect into the vacuum.
  • Bagging and Disposing of a Nest – Be sure to wear protective gear for this task. Open up a heavy-duty plastic bag and place it under the hornets’ nest. Using long-handled hedge trimmers, cut down the branch so the nest will drop into the bag. Fill the rest of the bag with hornet insecticide. Close the bag and burn or dispose of it immediately.
  • Using a Vinegar Trap – This home remedy involves a 2-liter soda bottle, a cup of apple cider vinegar, and a drop of dish soap. Cut the neck off the bottle and turn it upside down. Place the neck in the base of the bottle like a funnel, stapling the two halves together. Pierce holes in both sides of the trap and thread string through them so you can hang it up. Fill up the trap with the vinegar and soap and then use string to hang up a small piece of raw meat in the trap to attract hornets. Hang the trap where the hornets are active.
  • Discouraging Hornets from Nesting – If you don’t want to use a trap, you can follow some good practices for discouraging hornets from taking up residence at your property. Keep your trees and bushes trimmed and paint or repaint your walls, eaves, and other possible nesting areas. Hang up sun-catching mobiles such as old CDs or mirrors near old nesting areas. Hang up an artificial nest because hornets are less likely to build their own if they think another one is nearby.

Call Our Professional Hornet Removal Team

Dealing with hornets on your own can be dangerous and frustrating. The team at All Star Pest Management can get the job done right to remove hornets from your property quickly. Contact us today to schedule service in Baltimore, Columbia, or Wheaton, MD.

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