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Dead cockroach after being treated by a cockroach exterminator in the Greater DC and Baltimore areas

The mere mention of cockroaches is enough to send shudders down the spines of many homeowners. Cockroaches are just one of the kinds of insects that can infest your home and cause you to need an exterminator in Columbia. The presence of cockroaches can make you feel uneasy and can affect the way you live your life. If you are not sure if you have cockroaches, there are a number of telltale signs that you are being invaded by these pests. Read on to find out the signs that your home has cockroaches.

You See One

This may seem obvious, but the first sign that you have cockroaches is that you see one or more in your house. While it’s possible that one cockroach may not be a sign of an infestation, you should still be aware and contact your pest management company. The professionals will be able to tell you if it was just a lone operator or if you have a larger problem. Cockroaches are nocturnal, so keep an eye out for them at night. They may scatter when you turn a light on and are often hiding in kitchens and bathrooms.

You See Excretions

Roaches will eat just about anything, from human food to garbage to dead skin cells. As repulsive as this sounds to humans, it means that they can live just about anywhere, too. Since cockroaches eat so much, they also tend to excrete a lot. If you see cockroach feces around your home, it is definitely a sign that you should contact your exterminator. Roach feces can look like small flecks of pepper, coffee grounds, or oval-shaped pellets. Check behind the stove and fridge as well as in cabinets or anywhere else you store food.

You Smell Roaches

Different species of roaches give off different odors, some of which can be quite strong. German cockroaches can produce this telltale smell on their own, while other types of roaches need to be in large numbers for the smell to be evident. Let your pest control company know if you have detected an unusual, foul odor in your home.